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Category: Editor


Last night, I found myself deep in conversation with a good friend, and we ended up tackling the age-old question: "What really attracts you to someone?" We started off with a lot of laughter—he joked about the physical traits in women that never fail to catch his eye, while I confessed that any man over …

In the hustle and bustle of daily life—between work, kids, and endless responsibilities—romance can easily take a backseat. But maintaining that spark is crucial for a healthy, happy relationship. As the saying goes, “A couple that dates together, stays together.” I wholeheartedly believe in that, and as a hopeless romantic, I want to encourage you …

This April, I'm excited to share one of my absolute favorite reads: Jesus, Buddha, Krishna & Lao Tzu: The Parallel Sayings by Richard Hooper. This book has truly resonated with me, offering a unique perspective on the common wisdom shared by four of the world’s greatest spiritual masters.Hooper masterfully brings together the teachings of Jesus, …

Have you ever taken a moment to ask yourself, "What makes my love unique, and why should it be enough for forever?" It’s a powerful question that invites deep reflection on the kind of love you offer and the value it brings to a relationship. If you’re up for it, take some time to write …

When it comes to "Date Night," I believe it should be more than just dinner and a movie. It’s an opportunity for couples to connect on a deep, soulful level. So for tonight’s date idea, I’m suggesting a little spice: Fantasies and Foreplay. Whether you’re in a committed relationship or just getting to know someone, …

"Life is the question we don’t have answers to. Death is the answer no one can question."Sure, that might sound a bit dark, but the truth is, death is the one thing guaranteed for all of us. It's an uncomfortable reality, one many of us prefer not to think about, and often avoid discussing altogether. …

If I were to write a book about everything I’m thankful for, it would be a testament to the incredible goodness of God in my life. I’ve faced trials, been tested, and have felt torn at times, but through it all, I’ve emerged stronger and more resilient every single time.I’m deeply humbled and grateful that …

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