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What Truly Makes Someone Attractive?

Last night, I found myself deep in conversation with a good friend, and we ended up tackling the age-old question: "What really attracts you to someone?" We started off with a lot of laughter—he joked about the physical traits in women that never fail to catch his eye, while I confessed that any man over …

Last night, I found myself deep in conversation with a good friend, and we ended up tackling the age-old question: “What really attracts you to someone?” We started off with a lot of laughter—he joked about the physical traits in women that never fail to catch his eye, while I confessed that any man over 6’4″ instantly has my attention!

But as we continued talking, I started to think more deeply about what actually draws me to a man. Sure, I might say I have a thing for Big and Tall men, but in reality, I’ve dated men who were only about six feet tall and not always particularly big. My friend also admitted that he’s dated women who didn’t fit the stereotypical “video vixen” mold but looked more like the everyday woman.

Within minutes, our lighthearted chat turned into a deeper discussion about what really attracts us to our potential partners. Beyond the physical, I realized that what truly matters to me is a man who is God-fearing and has the ability to make me laugh. I love to laugh—I’m a naturally silly person, and I just don’t vibe with the super serious types. I’m drawn to men who are romantic and spontaneous, the kind who can surprise me with their creativity and passion.

Another thing I discovered is that I need to be able to talk to a man about anything and everything, from politics to family matters. As the conversation went on, my list of what attracts me to a man kept growing. The truth is, while a tall man might catch my eye, it’s the substance behind the surface that keeps my interest.

What really stood out to me is that I care more about a man’s intentions, his actions, and how he treats me than I do about his looks, status, or bank account. If we had continued talking, I’m sure I would have uncovered even more about what truly draws me to someone.

So next time you’re hanging out with friends, on a date, or just chatting with someone, try asking, “What attracts you to someone?” You might be surprised by the variety of answers you’ll hear.

Until next time,




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