"Life is the question we don’t have answers to. Death is the answer no one can question."Sure, that might sound a bit dark, but the truth is, death is the one thing guaranteed for all of us. It's an uncomfortable reality, one many of us prefer not to think about, and often avoid discussing altogether. …
Do You Fear Death or Enjoy Life?
“Life is the question we don’t have answers to. Death is the answer no one can question.”
Sure, that might sound a bit dark, but the truth is, death is the one thing guaranteed for all of us. It’s an uncomfortable reality, one many of us prefer not to think about, and often avoid discussing altogether. I once heard someone say that we’re not really afraid of dying; we’re afraid of how we’ll die. I get that. The thought of leaving behind my daughter and my family—those I love the most—is a hard pill to swallow.
I’ve been lucky so far; I haven’t experienced the loss of someone extremely close to me. But that doesn’t change the fact that one day, I will.
Religion, spirituality, and life itself have taught me that we come from God, and to God, we return. So why should we fear death? Instead, shouldn’t we use the knowledge of our mortality as a reason to truly live? Think about it—if you know you’re going to die one day, why not make the most of your time while you’re here?
It’s often those who have had near-death experiences or who are facing terminal diagnoses that embrace life with the most enthusiasm. There’s something about that brush with mortality that makes people reassess everything and savor every moment.
But why wait for a life-altering event or a grim prognosis to start living your best life? Why not embrace life fully right now, without needing a wake-up call? I challenge you to start living today—right now. Think about your wildest dreams. What would you do if there were no limitations? How would you finish these sentences: “I wish I could just _______” or “If I had all the money in the world, I would ________”?
Here’s the thing—it’s not your kids, your spouse, your job, your finances, or your circumstances holding you back from living your best life. The truth is, you’re holding yourself back. I can admit that I’ve used my daughter and my career as reasons not to fully live my life. But this year has taught me a valuable lesson: life is the greatest gift God has given us.
We’re here to enjoy all of God’s creation, to experience love in its many forms. We’re here to serve, to give and receive love, to fully immerse ourselves in this angelic experience called life. You are a co-creator of your life with God, so why not make it the best it can be?
Stop and smell the roses while you still can. Forgive. Love deeply. Be sincere. Laugh until it hurts. Play with childlike abandon. Be spontaneous. Try new things. Travel the world. Make passionate love. Fall in love—again and again. Embrace your spiritual self. Live enthusiastically and unapologetically for YOU.
Death is inevitable, and we already have the answer to that part of life’s test. So why not ace the rest of it? I love you, and I want you to love life with everything you’ve got.
Peace & Blessings,