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How to Stop the Full Moon from Messing with Your Sleep

Are you a light sleeper? Need the sweetest concoction of comforts to get your eight hours? Beware. The full moon is coming, and it might interrupt your sleep set-up.


It’s a Full Moon Vibe

Let’s be real—full moons are a whole vibe. But while they’re great for late-night walks and capturing the perfect moonlit selfie, they can also seriously mess with your sleep. If you’ve ever found yourself wide awake during a full moon, staring at the ceiling and wondering why you just can’t drift off, you’re not alone. Plenty of people report that the full moon makes them feel more energized, emotional, or just plain restless. But don’t worry, we’ve got your back with some tips to keep your sleep game strong, even when the moon is shining bright.

Make Your Space a Sleep Sanctuary

Full moon got your room lit up like a spotlight? Time to level up your sleep environment. Grab some blackout curtains or an eye mask to keep things dark and cozy. And if you’re still scrolling through your phone in bed, it’s time to cut that out—blue light from screens can keep you up, so put your devices away at least an hour before bed. The goal is to create a chill, dark space where you can totally unwind.

Create a Chill Bedtime Routine

When the full moon’s energy has you feeling all over the place, a calming bedtime routine is everything. Think warm baths, some gentle yoga stretches, or even a little meditation. Skip the late-night Netflix binge and the endless social media scrolling—they’ll only keep your mind buzzing. Instead, focus on activities that help you relax and signal to your body that it’s time to sleep.

Bring on the Crystals and Essential Oils

We’re all about holistic vibes here, and crystals plus essential oils are a perfect duo for getting your zen on. Try placing calming stones like amethyst, moonstone, or selenite under your pillow or on your nightstand. Pair that with a few drops of lavender or chamomile essential oil on your wrists or in a diffuser to set the mood for sleep. Trust us, you’ll be drifting off in no time.

Try Moon Meditation

Feeling extra wired during the full moon? Instead of fighting it, why not embrace it with some moon meditation? Close your eyes, breathe deeply, and imagine the moon’s light washing over you, calming your mind and body. This kind of meditation can help you sync with the moon’s energy, making it feel less overwhelming and more peaceful.

Eat and Drink Smart

What you eat and drink before bed can make or break your sleep, especially during a full moon. Lay off the heavy meals, caffeine, and sugary snacks—they’ll only keep you up longer. Instead, go for light, sleep-friendly snacks like a handful of almonds or a small bowl of oatmeal. And remember to hydrate, but not too close to bedtime—no one wants to wake up for a bathroom run at 3 AM.

Set Those Moon Intentions

The full moon is a prime time for setting intentions and letting go of what’s no longer serving you. Before you hit the hay, take a few minutes to think about what you want to manifest or release. Jot down your thoughts in a journal—it’s a great way to clear your mind and prepare for a peaceful night’s sleep.

Flow with the Moon’s Rhythms

Instead of stressing over how the full moon might affect your sleep, try going with the flow. The moon’s energy is all about cycles, so lean into it. By aligning yourself with the natural rhythms of the moon, you might find that it enhances your overall sense of well-being—not just your sleep. Embrace the energy, but keep your bedtime rituals in place to ensure you still get your beauty rest.

The full moon might be a powerful force, but with the right approach, you can keep it from throwing off your sleep game. By creating a sleep-friendly environment, establishing a calming routine, and embracing the moon’s energy in a positive way, you can rest easy—even on the brightest of nights. So next time the full moon rolls around, you’ll be ready to face it with calm vibes and a solid night’s sleep. Sweet dreams, moon babes! 🌕✨




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  1. adamgordon

    April 22, 2021

    Thanks for sharing this information is useful for us.

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